Enote’s library gives users instant access to 80,000+ scores and for 40,000+ classical works.
Every edition is hand-selected and organized by our musicologists, which makes the library easy to explore and completely reliable. New editions are added every week, and we prioritise the repertoire requests of our institutional partners.
We’ve compiled some library highlights for you below, and you can explore our full library catalog online here:
365+ String Quartets Including all String Quartets by:
2,000+ works for Piano Solo Including all Piano Sonatas by:
1,000+ works for Violin and Piano Including all Violin Sonatas by:
75+ Cello Sonatas Including Cello Sonatas by:
60+ Flute Sonatas Including Flute Sonatas by:
800+ Organ works Including the complete Organ works by:
600+ Full scores for orchestral works Including the symphonies by:
350+ Solo Concertos Including the most famous Violin, Cello and Piano Concertos by:
1,800+ songs Including the complete songs by:
200+ Opera Vocal Scores Including the masterpieces by:
1,000+ choral works Including the complete choral works by:
Nearly all Works by:
More to come:
Our musicologists are constantly adding more music Enote, and are currently preparing:
- 300+ additional works by female composers
- 500+ educational works (Methods, Etude collections...)
- 1,000+ choral works (di Lasso, Palestrina, Vittoria, Schein...)
For any questions about repertoire or to book a product demo, just send an email to institutionen@enote.com and our team will be in touch.
Other questions or suggestions? Email us at help@enote.com