Our Digital Editions have been reconstructed into a completely digital format using our unique AI-powered Optical Music Recognition process. This OMR process currently digitizes music with over 99.9% accuracy - an astonishing rate that far surpasses what was previously thought possible.
However, in practical terms, even this slight margin for error means that mistakes do make their way into our Digital Editions. These misprints can be difficult to find within our millions of score pages - but with your help, they’re not hard to fix.
If you find an error, please take a few seconds to report it to us by taking the following steps:
- Tap the icon at the top-right of the Score View.
- Select the measure where you’ve spotted the error and then press Report Issue.
- Choose an issue type, add a comment and tap Report.
The error is then added to a queue for our technical team to review and address. It can take a little while for fixes to be made, but every report helps our team prioritize fixes and solve root cause problems to improve the overall accuracy of our library and digitization system.
Questions or suggestions? Email us at help@enote.com