If data appears to be missing from your Enote account, first check if any of the following scenarios apply to you.
Your device is not connected to the internet
If your device is not currently connected to the internet, any changes you have made will not synchronize.
Changes will sync to the cloud and be pushed to other devices when you reconnect to the internet.
You are a free user and you signed in on a new device
Premium users can access their library across multiple devices, while Free users are limited to one device. You’ll need to upgrade to Premium if you would like to keep your library in sync between different devices.
If you choose to become a Premium subscriber and already work on two devices, your data will be will be merged and sync’d as soon as each device connects to the internet.
You are a Premium user and you signed in on a new device
It can take a few minutes for your account data to sync after logging in on a new device. The exact duration depends on your internet connection and the amount of data that you have saved in your account.
You are a Premium subscriber working on two devices
Although our sync runs continuously while you're working with Enote Premium, changes are not synced in real time. If you are working between two devices, it will take some time for your work to transfer from one device to the other.
As long as both devices are connected to the internet your changes will sync soon. If you need to sync faster you can tap the Sync Now button in the section of the app.
You signed in with an Apple ID that uses a different or hidden email address
If you switch from signing in with email to signing in with an Apple ID that uses the same email address, our app will match and sync your accounts automatically.
However, if you sign in using an Apple ID with a different email address, or if you chose Apple’s 'Hide My Email' option when you registered or signed in with your Apple ID, our app has no way to link your two libraries.
If this has happened to you, simply sign in using the original method on your new device, and continue using this as your primary account.
You signed in to an existing account on Android
We recently released the first version of Enote for Android to our institutional partners and Premium subscribers. It isn’t yet available for the general public.
Our Android app is in it’s early stages and has limited syncing capabilities compared to our Apple apps. If you are a Premium subscriber or a member of a partner institution and you first registered your account on an Apple device, for the moment your library will not sync if you sign in to Enote on Android.
Rest assured that future versions of our Android app will support cross-platform syncing, and that our team are hard at work to open our Android app to the general public in the near future.
Still having issues?
Just send an email to help@enote.com with details of what's happening and a screenshot from your screen, and we’ll be happy to help investigate.
Questions or suggestions? Email us at help@enote.com